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牟胜东,男,1980.12月生,汉族,成都人,2002年参加工作。历任省属国有大型企业财务总监、审计负责人、投资负责人等职务。2002年毕业与四川师范大学 会计学专业 注册会计师;20096月获得四川省委党校政治经济学硕士学位,硕士研究方向是区域金融;2017年获得电子科技大学博士学位,博士研究方向是金融工程。



1.Intelligent Traffic Control System Based on Cloud Computing and Big Data Minin-g<IEEE Transactions  on  Industrial  Informatics>  2019.12 SCI 一区 一作

2.Optimal path strategy for the web computing under deep reinforcement learning<International Journal of Web Information Systems>    EI 2020.8 一作

3.Internet Financial Interest Rate Risk Measure Based on Genetic Rough Set Reduction Service <Oriented Computing and Applications>         2019.8 EI  一作

4.Urban Traffic Flow Fore-casting based on Deep Learning Model<Advances in Computer Science Research>   国际会议  一作

5.Research on decisive mechanism of internet financial interest rate   <International Journal of Simulation Systems, Science and  Technology.>  2016(17) 第一作者 EI

6.GMDH-based research on contributors to online banking development of commercial banks in China    <Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research> 20147)第一作者 EI

7.A study of the internet financial interest rate risk evaluation index system in cloud computing <International Journal of Information and Communication Sciences> 20175)第一作者EI


9.The relationship research between the internet finance and commercial bank  <International Conference on Management Science and Innovative Education>201511)国际会议 第一作者


版权所有 长江师范学院武陵山区绿色发展协同创新中心 联系地址:重庆市涪陵区聚贤大道16号